
Sustainable Endurance Training

How to begin your endurance journey with a multisport approach [Endure Eq 044]

Hello Reader,

Welcome to Vol. 044 of The Endure Eq.

Every week you'll get a deep dive into a topic related to endurance training, maximizing your potential or reaching peak performance. Read past editions.

Let’s jump in.

Sustainable endurance training requires some form of endurance training.

If you’re completely new to endurance training than this edition is for you.

If you’re just building back after a break this edition will be a helpful guide.

If you have lost your spark this edition might bring it back.

How to begin your endurance journey with a multisport approach

Learning to train for endurance starts with deciding on your weekly minimum.

How much time do you want to train endurance?

I recommend most athletes aim for 3+ hours (and today I will show you how to break that down).

The workouts you will do for endurance

There are 3 types of workouts you will want to include in your week: easy, long, and interval.

Start by planning 1 long session per week. Endurance training is all about building your metabolic systems and that system thrives on longer sessions. Start with activities that are easy for you to do for longer periods:

  • Hiking
  • Cross Country Skiing
  • Cycling
  • Walking

Remember to trial all modes of endurance training: swim, bike, run, ski, row, hike, ruck, walk, etc.

There is no limit to what you can explore - a multisport approach.

Add 1 interval session per week. This will push you into your upper zones.

Warm up for 10 mins easy than start a 2 min on 2 min off session. Repeat this 3-4 times.

The goal for this is to be breathing hard but not gassed.

You should have enough in your tank to do a few more intervals.

The rest of your time will be spent training easy. The goal for these sessions is to build time on your feet. These sessions should be easy enough that you can have a conversation while performing them.

Keep the weekly rotation the same, but mix multiple sports and modes of endurance.

Training Schedule

Here is one way to break up your week:

M = Easy session

T = Interval session

W = Easy session

T = Easy session

F = Off

S = Long session

S = Off

For our example of 3 hours to dedicate to endurance per week (likely combined with your strength training schedule):

You could try:

  • 1 x 60 min ‘long’ session
  • 3 x 30 min easy sessions
  • 1 x 30 min interval session (4 x 2min/2min)

Stick to this framework for 3-6 months without big changes.

Add more time as you see the endurance gains come.

Bottom line: always remember to have fun out there. Nothing beats the feeling of being outside, pushing yourself and exploring your community.

Thank you for being here!

- Chandler

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  • Join our free community: find more resources, ask questions, and share workout ideas. Join Community
  • EE Training Squad: Monthly sustainable training and access to on-demand race programs. Join Squad
  • 1-1 Coaching: Take your training to the next level with 1-1 access to Chandler. Coaching Request

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Sustainable Endurance Training

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