How to build a sustainable triathlon training week for you


Sustainable Endurance Training

Welcome to Sustainable Endurance Training by Chandler Scott. Get a short tip for triathlon training, sustainable performance and reaching your personal potential in this weekly newsletter. Join here to get the next volume emailed to you:

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How to build a sustainable training week for you

Why it’s important to build a sustainable training week for you

Every triathlete needs a sustainable training week for triathlon. One that you can repeat every week no matter what. This will save you endless time and preperation (while removing the guesswork).

Here’s 5 big reasons why:

Staying healthy

A sustainable week will help you avoid burnout.

Your goal is to build a balanced routine that covers all the major workouts. This way you are not rolling with too much of one bucket.

You also want to add all the buckets for health (cardio, strength, & mobility)

Enjoying the process

A sustainable week keeps it fun.

Build a week that you enjoy.

Because you’re going to roll this for a long time.

Add elements that make you happy.

Long-term performance

A sustainable week expands your time horizon.

Think 100+ weeks away from now.

What would your fitness be like if you continued to roll your current week?

A sustainable week puts you in a position to build for the races you want.

Integration with your life

A sustainable week lets you integrate it with all your other schedules.

If you train at predictable times your family and life schedule can be molded around. Integrating everything. This simplifies your planning and execute leaving more energy for the things you need to do.

Use training to support other goals.

This is the life-long athlete mentality.

A sustainable week plays the long game.

You’re shifting into the mindset of a life-long athlete.

You’re focused on not just the next race, but your 10th race that you take on.

How to build a sustainable training week for you

A sustainable week plays the long game.

The best endurance athletes are masters at rolling the same training week.

They have learned exactly what they can handle every week and stick to it.

Here’s how to build a sustainable week without giving up your life:

The secret to endurance training is being able to stick with the training for years.

Most athletes never stay in the sport long enough to see gains

This is because they are:

  • Under recovered
  • Over scheduled
  • Burnt out

The solution?

A sustainable training week

An ideal training routine that you can fall back to and repeat for years.

Built around your schedule, health focused and sustainable.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Define your weekly min

Open your digital calendar and account for the minimum time you can ALWAYS train.

The goal is to have a rhythm that combines work, life and training.

Step 2: Create a routine around that

Within your weekly minimum create an ideal routine for YOU.

Do your best to integrate your training and life schedules

Make it more than an after-thought and something you do every day.

Step 3: Aim for good enough

Don’t over plan your ideal week.

Leave room for the inevitable schedule blow up. You don’t need a perfect plan to make this work anyway.

Aim for good enough.

Good enough, sustained for years will improve things.

Step 4: Can you repeat this for a year?

This is your reality check:

Can you repeat this week for a year?

You can always ramp things, add more load and progress when you’re ready.

But your sustainable week should always be sustainable.

Step 5: Negotiate more time

When you go to prepare for a race, look for ways to negotiate more time.

But avoid jamming too much into your week.

This will lead to burn-out and poor performance in all areas of life.

When in doubt fall back on your sustainable week.

Recap on how to build a sustainable training week:

  1. Define your weekly min/max
  2. Create a routine around that
  3. Aim for good enough
  4. Can you repeat this for a year?
  5. Negotiate more time

This will almost guarantee results.

If you stick to it.

Thank you for being here!

- Chandler

When you’re ready here are 3 ways that Excel Endurance by Chandler Scott can help you:

  • Join our free community: find more resources, ask questions, and share workout ideas. Join Community
  • EE Training Squad: Monthly sustainable training and access to on-demand race programs. Join Squad
  • 1-1 Coaching: Take your training to the next level with 1-1 access to Chandler. Coaching Request

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Sustainable Endurance Training

Welcome to Sustainable Endurance Training by Chandler Scott. Get a short tip for triathlon training, sustainable performance and reaching your personal potential in this weekly newsletter. Join here to get the next volume emailed to you: